Sep 28, 2016

21 Things You Didn’t Know About ADHD

19. Demographics Affect ADHD

While ADHD affects all children of any race, there may be conditions in different races that affect ADHD differently. In the 2000s, ADHD diagnoses increased among young African-American girls by 90 percent.

As a corollary, Latino children are diagnosed with ADHD nearly half as much as whites or African-Americans are diagnosed.

Age is another factor. Children at age five are at the highest risk of being diagnosed with severe ADHD. Moderate ADHD is diagnosed most often in children around age seven. Lastly, eight-year-old children are the most likely to be diagnosed with mild ADHD.

20. ADHD Medication Doesn’t Affect Personality

The truth is that proper dosages of ADHD medication actually have little effect on a person’s personality, only increasing their ability to remain calm and focused. The highest levels of medication are typically prescribed for those between the ages of nine and twelve. Many teens and adults need significantly less due to their greater control over their behavior.

This is not to say that personality changes are nonexistent. Some people may become less talkative or withdrawn, and others will lose some of their spontaneity or become listless. However, these effects are not complete personality makeovers and can be mitigated with the proper dosages and behavioral changes.

21. Fish and Exercise Can Help ADHD

Recently, a study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine stated that pregnant women who ate two servings of fish each week had a 60 percent lower chance of their child developing ADHD. Scientists are still trying to find out why, but if you’re expecting, it might not be a bad idea to include some fish in your diet.

In another recent study, Michigan State University researchers studied 40 children aged eight to ten. Half were diagnosed with ADHD and half were not. The children were observed after 20 minutes of peaceful activity and 20 minutes after some exercise on a treadmill. Both groups scored better on a psychological test after using the treadmill, with the ADHD group scoring six percent better. / /

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