Work at home jobs are on the rise. It is estimated that more than 30 million people work from home in this country. Employers are getting on board with the concept too. They don’t have to pay overhead for the workspace, and they find that productivity is better when people don’t have to punch a time clock. For the employee, there are also many benefits. You don’t have to worry about a certain dress code, commuting costs, or having a boss hovering over you.
Many WAH jobs allow you to set your own hours and work within your own time constraints. If you have children at home, it may save you to work from your humble abode. You can arrange your hours to work when your spouse is home or your children are in bed.
The Flexibility of Working from Home
You can find just about any work at home job you like. If you are good at customer service, then you should try a helpdesk or other service type job. You can work in your bedroom slippers with pajamas on as there is no one there to see you. If dealing with customers is not your thing, don’t worry. There are many WAH jobs to choose from. If you are uncertain of where to begin, you should check job boards. These boards have tons of tips and tricks for landing a great job. Read company reviews as it can save you from getting hooked up with the wrong company.
Statistics Show Work at Home Jobs Are Increasing
Since one in five Americans now work out of their home, the job market in this arena is only increasing. WAH jobs typically fall into two categories: self-employed entrepreneurs and telecommuters. The telecommuter works for a large company as an employee, but they don’t go to the office. They usually have a full benefits package. A self-employed entrepreneur can do 100’s of things. They may have a business selling makeup, work on writing freelance articles, or do numerous things classified as a “sole proprietor.” These workers don’t get any benefits and pay their own taxes. So, what are the most popular work at home careers? Here are a few career paths to consider.
Medical Billing Specialist/Transcriptionist
Home medical billing jobs are popular with the work at home crowd. A medical biller will take the doctor’s expenses and bill the insurance company. It sounds simple, but you must know medical coding as it can be complex. You must have training for this type of job, and most require completing a medical billing program. There is no degree required, though.
To be able to do this job you will need a good computer. Some professionals say having two computers is best. It helps to have a quiet environment to ensure there are no errors in coding. Medical coding and transcription jobs are one of the highest paying WAH jobs around, but it will require some training to make a decent living.
Travel Agent
Planning a vacation is hard work. There are so many details that go into it. Did you know that the average vacation lasts four days? You have to worry about booking a flight, renting a car, finding a hotel, and then all the attractions that are nearby to explore. It’s no wonder people pay someone else to do this work for them.
Work at home travel agents can help plan both personal and business trips. There are numerous companies that hire these agents to support their customers. American Express is one of the biggest companies that hires work at home agents. They offer perks, like a travel counselor, to their credit card holders. These perks give people like you a job. All you need is two years of experience and you can find a great job in this industry. FROSCH and Disney are also always hiring energetic agents too.
Driving Jobs
Those who love to drive may want to head out on the roads to make money. Sure, you can work for a taxi service, but why work for such a structured layout when you can call the shots? Uber and Lyft are two great companies that allow you to work from the comfort of your vehicle. Using an app, you can turn on your services and watch the requests for transport come flooding in.
You do need a reliable vehicle and to know a great deal about the area you drive around. The best thing is that you say when you want to work and when you don’t. Uber and Lyft both have an extensive application process, but it is a great way to make some serious cash.
Once you have a solid customer base, you can turn on the tunes and drive like the pros. You work as an independent contractor so you can write off all those miles traveled. If you don’t like being confined by four walls, then hitting the open road is a serious option if you want to work independently.
Call Center/Customer Service
Forget the old-fashioned call centers that have cubicles and a supervisor walking around listening to every word you say. These days, companies are sending people home to work. There are 100’s of call centers that hire people just like you to work from home. Some of the best companies to work for include 1-800-Flowers, Accolade Support Call Center Services, Advanis, AdviseTech, and Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.
While you should never pay any startup costs to get into a company, you may need to pay for a background check for a few of these. However, these companies offer great pay and flexible hours. They just require that you work a certain number of hours each week. Your computer will need to be lightning fast, and you will require a headset and minimal background noise. It’s probably not the best job for a mom with young kids wandering around, or a house full of barking dogs.
Freelance writing is a quick and easy way to earn some money. There are hundreds of companies that hire ghost writers to write for their blogs, social media posts, and more. You must have good grammar, the ability to follow APA standards, and make even the most boring of subjects interesting. An absolute understanding of the English language is imperative.
Most companies pay by the word and some pay by the article. Companies, like Textbroker, allow you to choose from a large board of writing jobs based on your qualifications. Other companies, like Scripted, Great Content, London Brokers, and The Content Authority, are also popular among freelancers.
The Freedom That Comes from Working at Home
Working at home is not for everyone. You must be self-motivated and able to work even when the dishes are piling up and the laundry needs to be done. However, you can learn to pace yourself around the home and work too. For some, there is no better way to provide for their family than working at home.

Antonio Guillem /