What You Need to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that can cause you persistent abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea or constipation, and it is usually related to depression, stress, anxiety, or a preceding intestinal infection.

IBS upsets your colon or large intestine and it is a chronic disease that you will have to manage for a long period – or even the rest of your life. However, there have been many advances in the treatment and management of IBS, so you can rest assured that you will be able to go on with your normal activities.

What Causes IBS?

It has been suggested that IBS is triggered by food sensitivities or nutritional allergies, but this is a statement that has not been proven. However, what we do know is that IBS is not infectious, contagious, or cancerous. Women are more likely to have it than men, and the starting point occurs before the age of 35 in about 50 % of the cases. IBS also has occurred following episodes of gastroenteritis.

Genetics also is thought as a possible cause of IBS, but so far a hereditary link has not been found in any of the cases. Symptoms of IBS may become worse during stressful periods or during menstruation, but these factors are not likely to be the issue that leads to the development of IBS.

What Are The Most Common Symptoms?

Only a small amount of people living with IBS show severe symptoms and complaints. These generally come and go in periods that could last for a couple of days up to a few months at a time, mostly during stressful times or after eating foods that make IBS act up.

This condition often first develops when a person is between 20 and 30 years of age. Furthermore, it is believed that IBS tends to affect one out of every five people at some point in their life. Women are two times more likely to get affected by it than men.

These are the most common symptoms associated with IBS:

The good news is that even though symptoms and complications can be very uncomfortable, IBS does not cause dangerous variations in your bowel tissue or puts you at risk for colorectal cancer. You may find some of the symptoms of this disorder ease after a visit to the bathroom.

When to See Your GI Doctor

It is important that you go to your GI doctor if you feel you have IBS symptoms, so they can attempt to determine the cause.

Although your GI physician may be able to recognize IBS based on your symptoms, you should request blood tests to rule out any other conditions.


Unfortunately, it is believed that there is no cure for IBS; no medication or special diets will solve the issue but they will surely help you cope with the symptoms. The most basic pre-emptive measure is to identify and avoid your unique IBS triggers.

Here is a list of treatment options that you may want to consider:

What Are The Risk Factors for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Here is a list with some of the known risk factors for IBS:

What Lifestyle Changes Should You Make?

If you have IBS or know someone who does, you can follow some easy instructions that will help with the symptoms and improve your health.

Also try avoiding or reducing these foods in your diet, for they may make symptoms worse:

Another very important thing to do is to identify those certain foods that trigger your symptoms. It might be helpful to start a journal to keep track of the following:

Take these your notes to your physician and discuss which foods are making your symptoms worse. Then you better stay away from them, or at least reduce them.

Finally, there is also a special diet called low FODMAP that your physician may recommend in order to reduce or avoid certain foods containing hard-to-digest carbohydrates.

Here’s a list of food to avoid, according to the FODMAP diet:

Some Things to Remember

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