Dec 7, 2016

20 Things Everyone Should Know About HIV

13. PrEP is a pill that reduces transmission risk


PrEP is a pill that is mostly taken by people who are trying to prevent HIV infection. Sometimes it is taken by people with HIV. For people with HIV, it should be taken daily to prevent the disease from spreading. It is best for high-risk individuals. The drugs are extremely efficient when taken correctly. However, doctors still recommend the use of safer sex practices for added protection.

14. HIV-positive people can still have children

It is possible to have children when you are infected with HIV. If you are a woman, medications are available that can reduce the chances of transmitting HIV to the unborn child to less than 1 percent. For men with HIV, the sperm can be cleaned to get rid of the virus before insemination is performed. This procedure is performed by specialists who deal with fertility, HIV and insemination.

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