Dec 7, 2016

20 Things Everyone Should Know About HIV

13. PrEP is a pill that reduces transmission risk

PrEP is a pill that is mostly taken by people who are trying to prevent HIV infection. Sometimes it is taken by people with HIV. For people with HIV, it should be taken daily to prevent the disease from spreading. It is best for high-risk individuals. The drugs are extremely efficient when taken correctly. However, doctors still recommend the use of safer sex practices for added protection.

14. HIV-positive people can still have children

It is possible to have children when you are infected with HIV. If you are a woman, medications are available that can reduce the chances of transmitting HIV to the unborn child to less than 1 percent. For men with HIV, the sperm can be cleaned to get rid of the virus before insemination is performed. This procedure is performed by specialists who deal with fertility, HIV and insemination.

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15. Serodiscordant couples can (and do!) make it work

Serodiscordant couples are couples wherein one partner has the virus, and the other does not have HIV. Serodiscordant couples can have a happy and fulfilling relationship, although it requires commitment and hard work. In such circumstances, it is important to talk to a counselor who specializes in helping people cope with HIV.

16. HIV-positive people benefit from having a special doctor

Once you have been declared positive for HIV, it is important to look for a health care provider who specializes in HIV medical services right away. The HIV specialist should be able to serve your needs appropriately.

17. Symptoms need to be monitored

After testing positive, regular appointments with your doctor are important. Additionally, you should learn how to monitor your body on your own.

There exist some signs that you should be keen on and health factors that should be monitored closely to maintain optimal health. The symptoms include diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, trouble when swallowing, shortness of breath, a new cough, dizziness, headaches, difficulty in remembering and blurred vision. You should always alert your doctor of all the symptoms and side effects you are experiencing as a result of medications and your illness.

18. Protecting yourself from getting sick is a high priority

If you have tested positive, the strength of your immune system will undoubtedly fluctuate. Therefore, it is important to maintain high standards of cleanliness. This will include washing of hands before and after eating and after using the toilet.

You should create and maintain healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Always consult with your HIV specialist nutritionists. You should avoid all the things that compromise your immune system like excessive drinking, smoking and drug abuse.

Alexander Raths /

Alexander Raths /

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